A New Bud-dy Arrives in Orillia

Welcome to town, Miss Jones. We're better for having you! 

As the sunshine city's newest regulated cannabis supplier, Miss Jones' Cannabis Outpost brings something new to the table that other suppliers have so far missed in the same space- they have removed the clinical feeling of buying pot, and it's brilliant. 

Natural, smooth, and easy-going are all words I'd use to describe both their employees and product. Both of which are plentiful at their downtown Orillia location at 81 Mississaga St East.

Miss Jones knows what's good: literally. There's a page on the business’s website dedicated to it! Their employees can help just as much: educated, enthusiastic, and always down to chat, they help make the experience at Miss Jones unparalleled.

Carrying loads of accessories- everything from papers to pipes- they are the one-stop-shop for all of Orillia's cannabis needs. All of this in addition to a seemingly endless catalogue of physical cannabis products — flower, oils, topicals, edibles, and beverages, to name a few. 

In a conversation with Sharon Paz, a marketing manager with Miss Jones, I had the opportunity to pick her brain. We concluded that if there's one thing Thunderwolves need to know, it's how to enjoy cannabis responsibly. Student life can be difficult (especially in a pandemic), and substances such as marijuana and alcohol are common ways of easing the stress. Enjoying them responsibly is key to maintaining academic success while taking the edge off.

Sharon outlined that new users need not worry about insanely high THC concentration, but should opt for a product with a higher CBD level, or at the very least, a 1:1 build — a product with equal amounts of THC and CBD resulting in a nice, even high. For more information and guides on cannabis consumption, the "What's Good" page on their website is a thorough and accessible resource.

From my time with Sharon, I gathered we need to start slow and build. It's not a sprint, but a marathon. We shouldn't rush to the finish line and get absolutely stoned, but rather take it easy and enjoy the scenery along the way — with a little help from Miss Jones.

For more information, check out https://missjonescannabis.com/.


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