How to Cope with Seasonal Sadness

I know I can’t speak for you, but I’ve become extremely unmotivated to complete my tasks since daylight savings took place on November 5th, 2023. The daylight and sunshine make me happy and therefore, it reflects my feelings throughout the day. I associate darkness with bedtime and relaxation, which doesn’t always lead to productivity. Here are some ways to help with the feelings of sadness and laziness at this time of year: 

  1. LIMIT YOUR NAPS! Everyone loves a good nap, but when it gets dark at 4:30, it can be harder to wake up from your nap. I know it is difficult, but try to go to bed a little earlier instead. 

  2. Expose yourself to natural light: Now that our time with sunlight is limited, spend more time outside when you can. If it is too cold outside (trust me I get it), sit near a window at least to get that exposure. It may be beneficial to wake up a bit earlier as well. 

  3. I know it may be tempting, but avoid leaving chores, assignments, and studying to when it gets dark. Our bodies naturally want to shut down and begin winding down when it gets dark outside, so if it is possible, don’t leave any hard work until the end of the night. 

  4. Concerning tip number 3, try to make a schedule for the week during your weekend. If you stick to a schedule that covers everything you have to do before 5 pm, maybe you will notice a happier, less stressed self! 

  5. Finally, stay positive and grateful. Shifting from a negative mindset to a positive one can be practiced when you spend time during the day reflecting and thinking about everything you have accomplished. Going to bed satisfied also improves your mood in the morning; it makes you ready for the next day!


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