Mental Health Check-in With Sara Corcoran: How to Mentally Finish Off the School Year Strong!
Exam season is swiftly approaching, which means a reduction in time for anything else outside of the academic demand. With stress increasing and pressure accumulating, how should students care for themselves? Read on to find out!
Liberals and Tories and… Trump? Oh my! A Look at Canada’s new Political Ringleader
Newly sworn in Prime Minister Mark Carney is currently leading in the polls over the Conservatives, and the Tories are presumably unhappy. Will Carney call a swift election to maintain his newly found momentum, and will he manage to keep Trump and the MAGA maniacs off his back? Or will he fall into the same trap as previous Canadian leadership, and be just another bad seed in an already seemingly rotten apple?
It Starts Week at Lakehead
The goal of It Starts Week is to combat racism and cultural stigmatization in Simcoe County. Throughout the week, a variety of events will be held to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion. Therefore, in order to honour your heritage and that of your peers and to support the inclusive environment that Lakehead fosters, join Lakehead during the week of March 17th.
Lakehead Orillia Building Referendum 2025
Lakehead University Student Union (LUSU) is proposing a new building at the Orillia campus to enrich student life and academic experiences. To support this initiative, a referendum is being held to seek student approval for a fee. Students are encouraged to get informed, engage in discussions with peers, and cast their vote during the polling period. Read on to find out more!
The Countdown Is On: Meet Your Candidates!
The next few days are crucial for the future of the LUSU presidency. Learn about each candidate's top priorities, how they plan to achieve them, and what sets them apart as the ideal choice for the role. Make an informed decision for the future of LUSU!
International Women’s Day Events in Thunder Bay
Want to get involved in International Women's Day events? From art workshops and salsa dancing to community events and fundraising initiatives. Check out these amazing on-campus and off-campus activities celebrating women’s achievements and advocating for gender equality.
Food and Nutrition Month at Lakehead
As a university student, nutrition can be a component of your life that becomes trivialized due to the overwhelming amount of responsibilities that students take on. However, prioritizing healthy eating does not have to be a burden and can positively enhance your academics, mood, energy, and placate stress. Therefore, throughout the month of March, Lakehead will supply opportunities to highlight healthy and affordable eating habits, navigate sample recipes, provide free nutritional meals and affordable produce, and more. Click this article to learn the details and show your body some gratitude!
March 2025 Events at Lakehead Orillia
In the month of March, Lakehead is here to cater to more than just student’s academics but also other vital components of their lives. Visit this article to learn how you can diverge from the rigid academic concept of university and instead nurture your growth as a person and your well-being with versatility.
Tips from Lakehead Teachers to Navigate the End of the Semester
Feeling overwhelmed halfway through the semester? Discover how to stay organized, break tasks into manageable intervals, and use rewards to stay on track. Check out these valuable tips from Lakehead Teachers Bonnie McDonald and Randall Boyd to master time management, boost productivity, and stay motivated—even when you’re feeling drained.
Job shopping: Unlock your next major career move
The job shopping approach encourages you to treat your job search as if you're shopping for the perfect fit, focusing on positions that genuinely excite you and meet your personal and professional needs.
Over 140 Delegates, 25 Speakers, and a Snowstorm: A Wild Ride at Canada’s Largest Student Journalism Conference
Despite the snowstorm that hit Canada in recent days, students from across the country gathered at McMaster University for NASH87, Canada’s largest student journalism conference. With a lineup of renowned speakers, the conference addressed key issues facing the media industry, such as the transition from student journalism to professional roles and the impact of emerging technologies like AI and automation.
Ontario's Upcoming Election: A Few Things to Consider
The upcoming Ontario election, on February 27th, has Ontarians looking at a relatively tight race, read on for a few things that may make or break the election.
Community Outreach Initiatives at Lakehead Orillia
Are you a Lakehead Orillia residence student who is interested in activism and wants to make a difference in their local community? If yes, Lakehead’s Community Outreach Committee is a perfect opportunity that is programmed to cooperate seamlessly with your busy schedule and function as a valued experience on your resume. Orillia-based writer Ava De Melo sits down with Community Outreach leader, Sara Mackinnon, to gather all the information you need on the committee's lasting initiatives.
Beautiful Places to Visit During Reading Week
Three picture-perfect places to visit in February 2025, offering stunning scenery and exciting things to do!
Be One of the 1 in 1000: Your Chance to Embrace Winter Sports and Try Something New
Whether you're a beginner or just looking to try something new, this winter could be the perfect time to try skiing or snowboarding! With skilled instructors, breathtaking scenic views, and endless fun, Loch Lomond’s ‘1 in 1000 Club’ offers an exciting opportunity to learn these thrilling sports through a fun, beginner-friendly 2-day course. Don’t miss your chance to embrace the winter season like never before!
Love Week at Lakehead Orillia
Prioritize self-love and self-care throughout Valentine's Day week with multiple events curated by the Student Health and Wellness team where positive and warm vibes will prosper. Take care of your sexual and mental health, spread love to the special people in your life by making Valentine's Day cards, educate yourself on healthy relationships and connections through books and movies, grab some snacks, and treat yourself to relaxing and enjoyable study breaks! Take the time to celebrate yourself this upcoming Love Week!
Tackling Climate Change One Action at a Time with Devon Lee
Personal efforts matter, but systemic change and broader climate education are key to truly addressing the crisis. A conversation with climate educator Devon Lee on how individual actions—including reducing our carbon footprints, mindful eating, and waste reduction—can help fight climate change.
Get to know Lakehead Athletics with Drake Aldred
Orillia based writer Ava De Melo interviews Lakehead Orillia’s athletic and recreation coordinator Drake Aldred to provide students with essential and detailed information about what Lakehead Athletics has to offer throughout the year. Click here if you are interested in knowing the opportunities that are granted and easily accessible to you, or if you are already a Lakehead athlete and are unsure about something!
Best Ways to Avoid Fitness Burnout
By implementing a few thoughtful fitness strategies, you can maintain enthusiasm for your fitness journey and achieve long-term success.
Keep Fit and Warm: Practical Tips for a Sustainable, Active Lifestyle in winter.
Although the 10 darkest weeks of the season are behind us, and the polar vortex chills have lifted for now, we still have some snowy and cold weeks ahead. Instead of staying cozy in bed, why not embrace the season? Here are some ideas to stay fit, active, and warm this winter.