March 2025 Events at Lakehead Orillia
Thunderwolves Hockey vs. TMU Bold:
The Thunderwolves varsity hockey team is looking for supporters as they advance to the second round of their playoffs. Wear your blue and gold at the Mattamy Athletic Centre in Toronto on Saturday, March 1st. This event will run from 6:15 to 8:45 pm and will cost a five-dollar entry fee; however, children under thirteen can enter free of cost. If you have any questions, contact Diane Robnik by phone 807-631-7478 or email
Register for your tickets here:
Citation Management Using Zotero:
Zotero is a free tool that alleviates the stress instilled in the research process. Join Chris Tomasini on Zoom on Tuesday, March 4th from 9:30 am to 10:30 am to learn how Zotero can help you simplify and shorten the research process, create more thorough citations and bibliographies, and organize all the sources you find during the accumulation stage. Contact Chris at to register and receive a link to the session.
Indigenous Craft Market:
Do not miss out on your chance to support Indigenous craft vendors and artists by purchasing their hand-made art, products and crafts in the Orsi Family Learning Commons on Tuesday, March 4th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. For more information, please contact the Office of Indigenous Initiatives at or 705-330-4010, ext. 2018.
Take a well-needed break from school and participate in creating diamond painting coasters at Heritage Place on Wednesday, March 5th from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
What's Next & Seeking Employers Networking Night:
This event is targeted at students who are graduating this year and seeking employment. In the Orsi Family Learning Commons on Wednesday, March 5th from 5 to 6 PM, a session will be held for international students to review the necessary steps to complete before graduation. The session will explore documentation, dates, deadlines, post-graduation work permits, and community resources. If you have any questions, contact
On March 5th in the Orsi Family Learning Commons from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, join Career Services to connect with local employers to garner opportunities. You will be provided with information about the careers available with their businesses and their personal career journeys. If you have questions, contact
Resume Revamp Workshop:
On Thursday, March 6th and Thursday, March 20th at 12:30 pm, join Sierra Lemonius on Zoom to craft a professional resume to make your profile entice recruiters and be notable in the job market. Please pre-register for this event: Register Here. If you have any questions, contact
On Wednesday, March 12th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm in Simcoe Hall, there will be a blanket fort where Student Health and Wellness will be hosting events to celebrate World Sleep Day. Activities will include learning your sleep chronotype, building your own sleeping kit, learning about the importance of sleep hygiene and efficient preparation for bedtime, and prizes. Pyjamas are encouraged!