Lakehead Alumni Spotlight
Do you ever think about your future after Lakehead University? Read up on former Lakehead Student Cameron Findlay’s experience post-Lakehead.
A Woman’s Place in STEM
‘It’s a man’s world but it’s nothing without a woman’, Chelsea Warren discusses a woman’s place in STEM.
Oh the Places You Can Go (To Study at Lakehead)
Chelsea Warren shares her favourite spots to study on campus and where you can work without distractions!
Work-Study at Lakehead!
Making money while being on campus is easier than ever with Armaan’s insight into LU Work-Study programs.
The LUSU Student Refugee Program
The LUSU Refugee Program (LRSP), funded by the $7 student levy, assists refugees selected through the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Student Refugee Program.
LUSU has sponsored over 25 refugee students to pursue post-secondary studies at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay.
Thinking about Traveling During the School Year?
DO NOT miss out on exciting traveling opportunities! This is why it is okay to travel during the school year…
How Students Can Save Money this Tax Season
The Argus has the inside scoop on how students can save money on their 2022 income tax and benefit returns.
Teaching Resources for Your Next Placement
Kezia Leamon creates a step-by-step to prepare teacher candidates for their upcoming placements.
LUSU Elections Debate Recap
Speak Up! LUSU held their annual electoral debate on March 8th.
“Fossil Banks? No Thanks” - Students Lead Protest Against RBC’s Investment in Fossil Fuels
Armaan discusses the protest held by Lakehead students in front of the on-campus RBC branch last week.
What is International Women’s Day?
Kezia Leamon discusses the meaning of International Women’s Day and why it is so important to break glass ceilings!
Positivi-Tea is Coming to LU for International Women’s Day 2023
Student Life International is hosting an informative International Women’s Day event over a cup of tea. 🫖
LUSU Elections are Approaching!
Voting for your LUSU executive and board representatives is important as current and future Lakehead students! Here’s what you need to know about the LUSU general elections.