Thinking about Traveling During the School Year?

Have you ever turned down an exciting traveling opportunity because of how busy you’ve been with school? I am in no way suggesting that you should skip all your classes and run away and ignore your responsibilities; that would be a waste of the money you spend on tuition. Instead, with this new hybrid-like school year (online and in-person classes)- that I project will be an option for a while, it doesn’t hurt to attend class and complete assignments with a change of scenery. 

Here are my top 3 reasons why I think it is beneficial to travel during the school year:

  1. Change of scenery = change of mindset. I have this awful habit of thinking I am more productive when I am at home. I always manage to prove myself wrong. A quick trip to the library, a small cafe or even a friend's house can help you be productive in a space that is normally a space of relaxation. Now,  imagine if you were in a place you’ve never seen before, in a cafe you’ve never sat in before… It is like a mindset restart. Excitement produces motivation!

  2. New experiences = more lived experience. Ever had writer’s block? New inspiration is all around you when you travel to new places and are surrounded by a new environment, new food, and ways of life. Travelling shows you new perspectives that can be used as valuable insight into assignments and class discussions. 

  3. SELF CARE! Are you bored of going to the same places all the time when you are looking for something fun to do after attending class or finishing an assignment? The options are endless when you are in a new place and have the desire to discover. Choose something you like to do, and enjoy it.

Remember, keep in contact with professors, make sure they are in the know if you are planning to miss one class, and that you are fully prepared to keep up to date by catching up with classmates, class slides, readings, etc. Your instructors really appreciate the honesty. Also, don’t worry about packing too much because you need to bring all of your school materials; for the most part, most resources can be accessed online now, so you may only need your laptop. Whether it is a short day/weekend trip and you stay close by or a week-long trip internationally, it is all worth it!


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