Let's Go to the Gym

We all know that going to the gym is good. But, until you start going, it can be somewhat daunting. There are all these machines, scary intense lifting types, and just lots of people in general. So, if you (like me) are people-averse and new experiences-averse, then you might just write off this experience entirely. However, as much as I generally avoid groups of people, I also avoid wasting my tuition money, and guess what? We all already pay for a gym membership at Lakehead.

With this in mind, and generally wanting to enter my mid-twenties in shape (because I hear it's all downhill from here), I started going to the gym. When you first walk into the newly constructed facility, you will notice a desk with a scanner. Make sure you bring your student card, as this is how they know you already paid for the glamorous new facility.

After you walk in, you have some options. First, there's the new gym area divided into the weight room downstairs and the cardio-type machines upstairs. This area is nice and new but can be a little bit claustrophobic, in my opinion, as it is a bit small. Second, there's the option of diving into the depths of this facility and exploring the older workout areas. Walking through some industrial-type doors and making a mental note of where you came from will take you into some rooms again divided by machines like treadmills and weight rooms with weight-type contraptions. The benefit here is that there is a bit more room to breathe, but the drawback is that the area and machines are a bit older and worse for wear, but still functional. At the end of the day, depending on when you go and how many people there are in each area, bouncing back and forth is probably best practice.

Now that we have talked about some of the different areas you can experience, let's talk about how you can go and keep going. If you're anything like me, you like doing things but you don't love going to things. So, I've found that the best way to keep going is to find someone that likes going. A friend that you can stay motivated with, try new machines with, and most importantly, a friend who can pick you up when you're too lazy to drive. So, dearest reader, think of that person right now and text them while you are thinking about it. Otherwise, let's be honest with each other now, you'll forget to do it. Other than having a support group, I have personally found it beneficial to have a strong routine for when you walk into the building. I put my stuff in the same place, start on the same machines, and take breaks at the same time every time. I find this eliminates a lot of the thinking and therefore the procrastination from the process, and also makes time go by faster.

But, why are we even talking about this? Well, wellness and all that fun stuff are hot topics in this modern age of opinions and sitting around. So, maybe some of you want to use that gym membership you paid for but are too intimidated by the thought of it to go. I understand this sentiment, so hopefully in walking through this process together, you have gained some insight and some gumption. You can do it, I believe in you, you're my shining star, and all those other sayings; good luck.


Happy Leap Day!


Going to the Game