New Contract with Orillia Transit?
There is a “Transit Pulse Survey” that LUSU wants Lakehead Orillia students to fill out.
The goal of the survey is to collect student opinions surrounding the Orillia transit schedule, so that a new, more effective transit contract can be in the talks to make sure it lines up with student schedules a little better.
If you are not already familiar, the Orillia UPass is something most students are automatically charged for during the school year. It is a $145 charge that lets you ride the Orillia transit buses an unlimited amount of times in 12 months! When COVID-19 happened (2020-2021), the UPass was put on pause because of the solely online platform learning. The UPass came back in 2022 following the transition back to in-person classes.
Most of the issues surrounding bus services are the hours. The Westridge via Coldwater Road bus runs from 6:15 am to 10:15 pm on weekdays. Now, the Westridge via Old Barrie Road bus only comes into the school at 5:45 pm. If you know anything about Orillia and the Coldwater bus, even though the hours the bus runs are great, it can be inconvenient for those who live in the Westridge subdivision wanting to get home after class because it heads in the opposite direction away from the subdivision known to house most students at Lakehead Orillia.
If your class ends before 5:45, your only options are to take 2 buses, an extra-long bus ride, or walk home. Unfortunately, weather and tight schedules can affect students' ability to walk or take the extra time on the bus. As a previous bus user, I know the frustration this can cause amongst the student body when your personal schedule doesn’t line up with the bus schedule!
For more context: the Westridge via Old Barrie Road bus is the one that drives in the direction of the Westridge subdivision after exiting Lakehead. The Westridge via Coldwater drives away from the Westridge subdivision after exiting Lakehead.
Nonetheless, Orillia Transit has still proven to be a great asset for Lakehead students and you get to know your bus drivers, which creates a stronger community bond. Therefore, it is important to have these open and honest conversations toward growth with our Orillia community to keep that positive relationship going! Please fill out this survey to help LUSU guide the conversation that will be had with the Orillia Transit staff in hopes that our voices will be heard!
You have until March 31st to fill in the survey AND you have a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card. Wink wink, nudge nudge.