Is This Your Senior Year?

Senior year can be scary and intimidating, but it is also exciting and exhilarating. I remember feeling so thrilled, but also uncertain in my last year of high school. I was worried about meeting new people, having a brand new class structure, and moving out for the first time. On the other hand, I was excited to start an independent life away from home. 

In university, I feel as though I’m experiencing the same thrill and uncertainty, but about different events. I am currently in the sixth and final year of my program and I worry about securing a job offer, where I will live more permanently, and if I will be financially stable. Despite learning so much academically and socially during my time in post-secondary school, for which I am so grateful, I am also anticipating the moment I feel secure and say, “Wow, university was definitely worth it.” 

Over the summer, I came up with a list of encouraging words to remember to help me reach the end of my schooling journey here at Lakehead. You may have heard some of these words in your life before, but just in case you needed a reminder, here are some of my thoughts!

  1. Stay positive. Everything you’re going through right now is going to be worth it in the end. 

  2. Think of inconveniences as barriers that you can get through; life will always present you with unexpected challenges, so face them head-on right now.  

  3. Get outside as much as you can; the fresh air can help when you are feeling overwhelmed/feelings of anxiety.  

  4. Don’t stress too much about the future (it is nearly impossible I know), you can only control the outcome of your future from the actions you do now. 

  5. There are many life decisions to make at this point in life. Take it all one step at a time to avoid burnout. 

  6. Take risks! If you are really wanting to do something (studying abroad, getting that cat you always wanted, or dyeing your hair); just do it if it will make you happy. Nothing trumps your happiness. 

Happy senior year, seniors! You got this :)


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