What’s Included in our Student Health Plan?

Now that the drop date to opt-out of our Lakehead Health Plan has passed, anyone who has not opted out is entitled to its benefits. As it turns out, A LOT of things are included in our health plan. This article will provide a guide to everything you might need covered. But first of all, you need access to your health benefits card, which you can download here. Your download will look like this: 

Once you have downloaded it, you can fill out the last six digits of your student ID and print the card. Now, let’s take a look at what this card can get you. 

Prescription Drugs

Your benefit card has 100% co-insurance for most generic medications and covers 80% of brand-name medications. This means that you have free access to the following:

  • Most prescription drugs

  • Insulin Injectibles and Supplies

  • Allergy Serums

  • Preventative Vaccines (not covered by OHIP)

  • IUDs and Oral Contraceptives

  • Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

  • Up to $500 in CNS Stimulants

  • Up to $1000 in Biologic Agents

  • Up to $1500 in Hepatitis C Medications 

Dental Care 

Your insurance covers a maximum of $800 in dental care. This will cover 80% of all basic, preventative, and minor restorative services, as well as crowns, dentures, and bridgework, 50% of extractions, endodontics, and periodontics, and 25% of anesthesia. 

Extended Health 

You have up to $300 in extended health care benefits that can claim 100% of services from chiropractors, naturopaths, podiatrists, osteopaths, chiropodists, speech therapists, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, and physician-recommended massage therapists. 

Psychologists and psychotherapists will be covered to a maximum of $500, and psycho-educational assessment will be paid at 90% for up to $1000.

Orthopedic supplies such as moulded arch supports, orthopedic supplies and custom-made orthopedic shoes are covered at 90% to a maximum of $300.00 if recommended by a physician, podiatrist or chiropodist. 

There is 90% coverage for emergency ambulance usage. 

There is also 90% coverage for artificial limbs, artificial eyes, casts, splints, trusses, braces and crutches.

Medical equipment and supplies will have 90% coverage for up to $500. This includes compound serums, ostomy supplies, colostomy supplies, injectable drugs, varicose vein injections, wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, traction kits for temporary theraputic use, aersol equipment, mist tent, traction apparatus, mozes detector, and CPAP units.


You have 100% vision care coverage for the following claims: 

  • One eye exam every two years with coverage up to $80

  • Up to $200 toward glasses or contact lenses

Life Insurance

Your beneficiary will receive $7500 in the event of your death resulting from an accident, and transportation of your body to your hometown will be covered up to $2000.

Travel Insurance

You are entitled to a maximum of $10,000 if you require medical care due to an accident outside of Canada.

Check it out!

Our health plan covers so much, including a broad range of accidental costs not covered in this article, that you can view here. As students, we have only a small price to pay for an extensive peace of mind!


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