What's Happening in the Spring?
We all know that spring is a hard time for us students. Midterms, assignments, weird-smelling puddles, and thinking about summer fun all get in the way of enjoying the season that signals the end of the normal school year. This is exacerbated by the fact that spring is a challenging season for planning activities. You don't get the fun outdoor activities of winter and snow, but you also don't get the warmth and summer activities like swimming or outdoor events like concerts. So, what are some things you can do in April and May while you wait to return to Peterborough, Ontario, or wherever you're from?
Take a casual walk
First, let's discuss some informal activities you can engage in. Given that we're experiencing a warmer spring than usual, you can get a head start on some enjoyable activities that we typically have to wait for. You can go biking in Centennial Park, go for a run with a friend, or just take a casual walk to talk about that midterm you bombed. All these activities are available to be done at any time, and since it's so warm this year, you may even have a good time while doing so. Now that we've covered the more mundane and obvious activities, let's explore some general events happening around town this spring.
One interesting aspect of Thunder Bay in the modern age is the availability of karaoke venues seven days a week, allowing you to gather friends and join in the fun. Another popular entertainment option in town is live music, especially in downtown Port Arthur during the later half of the week. There are a plethora of venues that showcase bands and artists, many from Thunder Bay and many from out of town.
Although LUSU events are winding down towards the end of March, we still have a few regular events like Tankard Tuesday and one final trivia night on March 21. Aside from those events, things like program grad dinners and mixers are still happening all around from program to program, so make sure to stay in touch with peers and keep an eye out for emails.
Overall, springtime as a student can be relatively stressful and boring by comparison. But, be it going outside when the weather is warm or singing your heart out in a dark karaoke bar, there are still things to do around campus and town in the last two months of school.